Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More contacts!

This weekend I met with two different missionaries and it was so good!!  The first was Sara Lux whom is a missionary in China but came home for a few days!  We talked about unreached people groups, pre-missions college stuff, and her work in China.  I’m excited about this new contact to ask any future questions too!  It was super good to hear about how God’s glory is being spread through the nations.  I have also been frequently meeting with many missions’ people at my church asking them an annoying amount of questions.  Yesterday one person I met with was AJ Kalmykov who was a missionary in Russia.  I realized how very similar we were and it was so good talking to her about this area of the world I think I might be called to and just other random stuff.  It was really cool hearing how God had led her through her life and how she is continuing to follow him during this season of stateside ministry.  I have met with my friend Vanessa many times lately talking about majors, international housing, and other international stuff at OU.  I am about to start a book on Hudson Taylor and I am so excited about it!:)  

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