Sunday, April 1, 2012


This past week I went to Ecuador with almost 40 juniors, seniors, and adults from my church.  We put on a youth camp for three churches to come to and we got the blessing of baptizing over 20 new Christians.  A lot of my prayer and reason for going was for the people from my youth group.  I spent a lot of time with Ecuadorians, but I was also was intentional with many conversations with Americans as they inevitably wrestled with the question of is God calling me to a life in this plentiful harvest?  I got so fired up seeing this come to play and am praying that those I talked to would chase after the heart and will of God and not be scared of giving it all to him who is worthy of more than it all.
            I heard so many heartbreaking testimonies in Ecuador and now more that ever am so thankful for my testimony.  I pray I never take my background for granted.  Also that as I continue to hear many of these extensive and crazy testimonies that I do not ever think mine is nothing and forget where God has brought me from.  How nasty my heart was, and how he is now breaking and molding into his new and beautiful creation. 
            So much of what God was doing last week was teaching the Ecuadorians the difference between joy and happiness.  How in Christ no matter the circumstances we have the fullness of joy!  This is a huge passion of mine and I loved getting to share my testimony, talk, and pray with different people about this subject.  Another big thing I got to talk with girls about is relationships.  South America has such a need for people to teach them about the freedom that is in Christ and also about what Christian relationships should look like. 


If anybody reads this I wanted to give a little update! haha I have gotten so much more intentional about every conversation I have with missionaries because if this class and I wish I could have written it all down! It is like everywhere I turn God has more missionaries around me that I can learn so much from and it has been so fun!:) I have been reading Hudson Taylor, but have been distracted with preparing to teach the 3rd grade about Africa lately.  I just presented to them and am now blogging about my trip to Ecuador last week and then will continue to keep reading.  I feel like I have so much in common with Hudson and have loved reading about his heart, challenges, and ministry.  Last week in Ecuador I met a rare Ecuadorian who has a huge passion for missions and was about to leave for China.  We go to talk about the same things that God had been teaching us in different continents but the same God!:) Some stuff we chatted about was our testimonies, callings, Isaiah 49, and Hudson Taylor.  So coolJ