Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello Blogger World!: )

Hello World! I am a senior in high school and am currently doing an independent study on missions and culture.  I will be researching, reading, interviewing… different missionaries and cultures that I am interested in and will record all my findings on this blog! I am extremely excited to get started on this adventure.
            I am currently reading Finding Calcutta by Mary Poplin.  In this book she explains her two-month visit to Calcutta, India where Mother Teresa did her life’s work in the harvest.  She challenges the reader to find his or her own Calcutta or harvest that God has called us to do our life’s work in.  I am just getting started but I am really excited to keep reading it!  She has a insight on faith and trust in God that hits home as something I learned when I was in Nicaragua this summer.
             When Mary went to Calcutta her goal was to learn why Mother Teresa said their work in Calcutta was religious work, not social work.  I think this is very interesting because a lot of times people look at missions from a humanitarian view and just want to help people or hold babies in a orphanage.  These are great things, but we were called to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” Matthew 28:19 If rocking babies helps us fulfill that commandment then I am all for it, but it must not be our whole focus.  When Mary asked the missionaries what she should bring, they replied with: “Come with a heart to love and hands to serve Jesus in the crippled, the abandoned, the sick and dying in any one of our centers.”  This sounds to me a lot like the ministry of Jesus, so I am excited to read more into the life of Mother Teresa.  “And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.” Matthew 9:35 Jesus had a compassionate heart! 

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