Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blessed Are The Meek- For They Will Inherit The Earth

This beatitude is one that challenged me the most thus far.  I am struggling with how to summarize it because I so have not yet fully grasped this idea of meekness.  The point is not I ever, but the point is God always.  He alone is worthy of the glory.  There is no arriving to this point of totally dying to our selves, but it is a continual process of being reduced down to the simplicity of love.  Just following God in everything and realizing that I am nothing.  I need to learn to depend on Him for all my strength and my entire portion everyday.  When we seek first the riches of heaven, God entrusts us with those on earth- that is what it means to inherit the earth.  I always hear to whom much is given, much is required- this chapter really made me realize the truth in that.  The people that Heidi talked about in this book had nothing yet gave everything.  How much more could I give? Even in ministry selfish ambition is a struggle.  We seem to be able to turn everything, even the good things into gods in our lives.  God cannot use selfish ambition or vain conceit, but wants to rip it out of us.  I am praying that God would humble me everyday for the rest of my life.  I am his.  If we are low, He will lift us up.  If we humble ourselves, He will exalt us.  If we walk as He walked, wear what He wore, and love as He loves, we too will inherit the earth.        

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