Thursday, September 15, 2011

An update for all you academic people reading my blog...

I just want you guys to have an update on some other stuff I am doing related to this study so here ya go.. J
            The third graders at my school learn about culture and all the different continents through the year.  On Friday I met with the third grade teachers to talk about teaching their students about different missionaries, mission organizations, and whatever else I come across for each continent they learn about.  The first continent is Europe so I am excited to look into that and see what I am going to teach and how I will present the information to the kids- presentation, skype a missionary, field trip, game… 
            I have been doing a Bible study once a week with International students at my school and it has been a crazy learning experience.  These six girls, one Chinese and five Koreans, come from completely different backgrounds then all the other students at OCS.  This summer God gave me a heart and discernment for them and how much they need a safe place just to ask simple questions.  They come from atheist families and are thrown into the palace of the Bible belt with a bunch of kids who know all the answers and a lot of hypocrisy and they just don’t get it.  Their parents have lived their entire lives with out God and are completely fine, so why do they need God?  I have been shocked with questions nobody has answered for them.  One girl is here for her 4th year and I think more than 5th year in the U.S. asked me- “What is sin?” and “People say ‘Jesus loves you!’ but what does that even mean?”  I cannot believe nobody has answered these questions for her yet.  I have been going through 1 John with them and going all over the Bible from there.  I have been showing them simple verses that we can sadly get sick of hearing but they are new to them! They answer so many questions for them. I feel like Moses in being unequipped and unworthy for the task, but I am just following God and trying to be like Mother Teresa - a pencil in God’s hand in doing what he has called me to do.  I am “finding my Calcutta.”  God has brought the nations to me and they are hungry.  Someday, God willing, I will go to them, but for now I thank God every day for the different mission fields in my life and especially this one.
            I paid my deposit last night for a trip to Ecuador this spring.  I am excited for more chances to share the gospel and to experience a new culture. Some juniors and seniors from my church are going to go down there and do a beach week camp like we go to every summer.  We are doing ours for three church youth groups of different towns in Ecuador. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the Ecuadorians my team, and myself.
            I made an awesome contact today!  Her name is Vanessa Najera. The missions department at my church hired her to help point 12-28 years old girls who feel called to missions find where God might be leading them, aka me! J I met with her today and we talked for hours about our testimonies and calls to missions.  She is already so much help! I am so thankful she is in my life.  She works right next door to OCS at HHBC and is excited to help with this study, my Bible studies, and figuring out where God is calling me- college, degree, country… She just graduated from OU and was very involved in the International community and also has contacts of Jesus lovers at Colorado University which are the two colleges I am praying about so she will be so much help! I cannot get over how I excited I am about her.
            I am still working through Finding Calcutta and hope to finish it soon.  I will blog more later about that book! J

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