Tuesday, August 30, 2011

“Do Something Beautiful for God”

As I continue to read this book many things have caught my eye and moved my heart.  At the beginning of the book I believed that Mother Teresa was possibly just a very good humanitarian.  As I continue to read I realize that she totally understood that the greatest in justice is that the Son of God died to redeem his bride from the bondage of sin.  She would say that our suffering was nothing compared to Jesus’ suffering.  She really understood that her strength came not from with in, but from the Spirit of the living God.  All who knew her, knew that she gave glory to God and that it was the power of God that brought all her works into being and sustained her even in the toughest of days.  Mother Teresa worked hard for the Lord everyday up to her death.  “Do something beautiful for God.”  This was one of Mother’s favorite expressions, and it made me wonder- what makes something beautiful for God?  The conclusion I came to was that Christians do many good things in our lifetime, but what makes what we do beautiful is where our heart is.  Is it filled with love, fear, and humility towards God? Or is it full of pride and a desire to be seen by men?  “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1 without love our works are ugly and like nails on a chalkboard!  I want to learn how deep, how wide, and how high this love is! This love that comes straight from the father! We are simply a pencil in the father’s hands and our power comes from Christ! Without giving God the glory, our life is vain.  “It is him, his work.” – Mother Teresa… Let us not miss this simple truth!  The missionaries of Calcutta or God’s pencils who were simply positioned in his hand ready to do what he called them to do would never turn anybody a way! No matter the hour of night, the lack of room in a hospital, the hopelessness in the case… when the poor came they would help them - always. That is doing something beautiful for God.

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